7 months ago
Updates to dbt materialized asset lineage
🎉 What's new
Following up on the recent release of dbt column-level lineage, announcing some improvements to your experience of dbt materialized asset lineage:
- View lineage for all materialized tables — previously, lineage was shown for any one of the dbt materialized tables and missing for other tables. In addition, for each dbt workflow run, it would keep switching between the different materialized tables. Atlan will now display lineage for all dbt materialized tables.
- Materialized lineage will be grouped by jobs — previously, materialized lineage was grouped at the environment level, resulting in a mix of assets from different environments. Say bye bye to that! Lineage for materialized tables will now be grouped by jobs.
- All materialized tables linked to a given model and source — better understand your dbt materialized asset lineage with materialized assets linked to dbt models and sources.
- Upstream lineage to dbt source tables — view dbt source tables in materialized lineage.