a week ago
Introducing trending data products
🎉 What’s new
Introducing trending products on the data products overview page!
- The new trending products section shows you a list of the top viewed data products in your Atlan instance!
- The starred products are now accessible from the star icon in the top header in Atlan.
✨ Let’s dig deeper
Trending products provides you a super quick way of seeing the most viewed products in your Atlan instance. It also helps power your discovery experience with this powerful social signal!
- When you visit the overview page of the products module inside Atlan, you will notice a new section called Trending products.
- This list of products is sorted by the number of views on the data products with highest viewed product first.
- This helps you and your users get a sense of what others are viewing, thereby giving you a nudge to try out those popular products.
- The recently viewed products are visible in a newly designed section that is adjacent to the trending products.
👏 Give it a shot
Learn more and let us know what you think!