Enhancements to lineage graph
🎉 What's new
Introducing four powerful enhancements to your view of data lineage in Atlan:
Improved navigation
Enrich your overall navigation experience of lineage in Atlan with data flows represented by horizontally and vertically streamlined data paths. Explore one path or the complete flow with an easy-to-navigate layout.
Contextual actions
From leveraging sort options in column search to downloading impact reports directly from the columns, context is key. Gain faster insights into usage, change impact, or root cause analysis from where you are on the lineage graph.
Personalization options
Focus on the most important aspects of your data lineage and maintain full control over your experience and insights. Set display preferences for which metadata to view throughout your exploration of lineage in Atlan.
Guidance controls
Utilize advanced controls to download entire lineage for a comprehensive overview or specific impact analyses tailored to your needs. The ability to refocus and reset your path on the lineage graph will help ensure a smoother exploration.
With the new and improved lineage experience in Atlan, explore your data ecosystem with ease!